Monday, May 14, 2012


सांझ ढलते ही आती महक तुम्हारी
कभी रात के सन्नाटे में मुस्कुराती तुम

गुल्मोहर की तरह रंग बदलती 
दर्द, प्यार, तो कभी एहसास हो तुम

ख़याल हो तुम मेरी हक़ीक़त का
कभी उन ख़यालों में उलझा एक ख्वाब हो तुम

तमन्नाओं की गोद में जो खेलती 
कभी खुद ही में छुपा एक राज़ हो तुम

Friday, May 4, 2012

My Dreams

I dream to be a painter. Playing with colors, painting aliveness.
I dream to be a musician who buries pain under his music.
I dream to be a dancer who elucidates how beautiful life is.
I dream to be a student forever.
I dream to be a teacher who enlightens his students with every aspect of life.
I dream to be a friend who is around, at the least in times of gloominess, if not in happiness.
I dream to be a lover who loves the way she is and her changeability.
I dream to be a philosopher with his rightful philosophy.
I dream to celebrate life even if each day is stressful.
I dream to be a simple man with simple thoughts.
I wish people remember me after I set apart or die.
I hope to smile constantly even if on a death bed I lie.
Above all, I dream to fulfill all my dreams unwaveringly.
And even if I fail, my dreams - they will never be hindered and never be shattered.
They will be carried out by someone alike me.
My dreams they are everlasting and will continue forever indefinitely.